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HR Vendor PerfectSoftware
About the Vendor PerfectSoftware was first discovered in 1984 and has since become a leading provider in HRIS software. Because PerfectSoftware’s software is so flexible it has been proven to be able to handle companies most valuable assets: its employees.
Key Features
Attendance Tracking Yes
Beneifts Tracking Yes, includes features to help HR departments manage a variety of benfit options.
Employee Self Service Yes, includes an employee sel-service to allow them to manage some of their own HR related tasks.
Hiring Management Yes, includes applicant tracking features to help companies find their ideal employee.
Performance Management Yes, includes tools to track the performance of a company's employees.
Hosted or On Premise Solution PerfectSoftware HRIS is a web-based platform that is managed outside of the company’s network.
Key HR Related Products
Product Name PERFECThcm